
Directions for prevention (13) Protect your head and seek refuge behind a rock during an eruption

Mt. Ontake situated between Nagano and Gifu Prefectures erupted in September 2014. There were 63 casualties, making it the worst post-war volcanic disaster.

Many of the victims who died were found between the peak and the southeast area which were covered by volcanic smoke and ashes. In most cases, the cause of death was death by injury as a result of being directly hit by cinders. Even if the cinders were small, a direct hit would prove fatal. It is thought that near the Ontake Shrine close to the peak, cinders that were 10cm or larger were ejected at a speed of nearly 300km per hour.

If you notice smoke while mountain climbing, jump behind a rock large enough to hide and protect your head. If you do not have a helmet, cover your head with a backpack or pot to protect it from objects falling from above. At Mt. Ontake, some escaped the disaster because they fled into the shrine office or evacuation huts.

Respiratory tract burns can also prove fatal. Covering your mouth with a towel will prevent the inhalation of high-temperature dust.

