Directions for prevention (1) Evacuate before sunset and flooding
Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, there were many nationwide incidents of wind and flood damage, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Along with illustrations showing how we can protect ourselves from natural disasters, one reporter, a disaster prevention expert, explains points of caution in a disaster and actions to protect ourselves against it. (Japanese original by Yoshiki Suto and Yukiko Seto, Disaster prevention expert)
Have you ever watched the news of an approaching typhoon and thought, “I'll wait and see if I need to evacuate…?” Evacuation once flooding occurs is dangerous. We can be swept off our feet even on a familiar road if a manhole cover is floating or be swept away with the force of water. The danger is significantly greater in darkness.
It is not unusual for a typhoon to be approaching at night. In Typhoon 19 which hit Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures in 2019, a heavy rain emergency warning was issued at night. Make it your aim to evacuate promptly before the situation deteriorates, while it is still light and before the rain becomes heavier.
You may have heard of “evacuation of the elderly, etc.” This signals those requiring more time to relocate, such as the elderly and the disabled, to start evacuating from a dangerous place. If you hear this announcement on TV or on the radio, start to take action by notifying family members and neighbors.
宮城県警 みやぎセキュリティメールより
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