Directions for prevention (4) Escape to a room away from any slope
Even if an evacuation order is issued in torrential rain or a typhoon, if there is sudden flooding around you or it is nighttime, haphazardly going outdoors to an evacuation center may be more dangerous.
In such a situation, protect yourself by moving to a safer location, such as to the 2nd floor of your home or higher. If the building is near a cliff, choose a room away from any slope.
It is useful to have a battery-operated light and radio that serves a dual purpose in a blackout and for information gathering. Switch your smartphone to a power-saving mode. By practicing setting and unsetting from now, you can be prepared to use such functions in a disaster.
Unlike earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, in heavy rainfall, there is some time before danger approaches. If the Meteorological Agency issues a heavy rainfall warning, the basic attitude should be “evacuate to a safe location as soon as possible,” and consider staying at home as the last resort.
宮城県警 みやぎセキュリティメールより
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