Directions for prevention (5) Contact family members and provide evacuation support
Every time torrential rain damage occurs in various locations, people face the issue of how to prevent failure to escape. If a family member living far away is facing imminent danger, how about providing them with evacuation guide by phone so that he/she may escape to a safe location or building?
With developments in communication technology such as smartphones, residents are able to gain access to disaster information simultaneously with the government. We are able to easily obtain disaster information, not only for our locality, but also for the areas where our families are residing.
Even when disaster is approaching, we all have the tendency to think, “maybe nothing will happen” or “we will probably be okay.” In such situations, contact from family members may urge us to evacuate.
Oftentimes no damage is actually incurred even if we evacuate. However, don’t think of it as a waste of time, but as a realistic preparation for a future disaster.
Contact family members who live in areas where evacuation warning has been issued and urge them to evacuate.
宮城県警 みやぎセキュリティメールより
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