Directions for prevention (6) Escaping to higher ground is a priority in coastal areas
In the Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami occurred in many areas, but the degree of damage differed depending on the landscape.
The height of the tsunami was great on the Rias coast where there were hilly areas near the coast. In some municipalities, the tsunami reached a height of around 20 meters, inundating a 4-story building. In such areas, depending on the tsunami information, make it a priority to switch to secondary and tertiary evacuations to higher ground.
On the other hand, on a flatland such as the Sendai Plain where the height of the tsunami was low compared to the Rias coast, flooding occurred 2.5km - 4 km inland because of the flat landscape. In addition, tsunami travels through rivers. In some areas, the tsunami did not come from the direction of the ocean, but surged over river embankments.
If evacuation to higher ground or inland is difficult due to a lack of time or because the evacuation point is far away, you may choose vertical evacuation to a higher ground in a sturdy building.
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