Directions for prevention (10) Prepare multiple ways to obtain information
In the Great East Japan Earthquake, evacuation centers incurred damage from the great tsunami. While some went from the initial evacuation center to a second evacuation center and survived, some lost their lives in the initial evacuation center.
In a disaster, any place could pose danger depending on weather conditions and extent of damage. Even after evacuating, it is best to gather disaster information by means or a radio or smartphone and take life-saving measures as needed.
During the earthquake disaster, some made visual assessment of the tsunami and fled. However, near the coast, the tsunami moves as fast as 100 meters in 10 seconds. Therefore, in order to escape the tsunami, it is vital to flee from a dangerous place before you see the tsunami coming.
There is also a risk of not receiving information in a disaster due to technical problems on the sending end or receiving end. As with the evacuation center and escape route, it is best to prepare for contingencies by preparing multiple ways to obtain information.
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