Directions for prevention (20) Prepare snow control equipment in your vehicle
If the weather suddenly changes in winter while traveling in a car, there is a possibility that you may get stuck due to heavy snowfall or blizzard. To protect your life, it is best to pack blankets, warm clothing, disposable heat packs, water, food, flashlight, gloves, rubber boots, shovel, a portable toilet, and cigar-socket charger in your vehicle.
When the snow blocks the exhaust port, the exhaust gas fills the vehicle, increasing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. When starting the engine for the heater, it is vital to remove snow from around the exhaust port. The job is facilitated if you are equipped with a shovel, gloves and rubber boots.
Blankets are multipurpose items and are useful not only to prevent hypothermia, but also to place between the tire and the road when the vehicle slips and gets stuck on a snowy road, assisting in escaping a dangerous situation.
When staying in a same position for a long time in a vehicle, there is a risk of economy-class syndrome and sudden death. Drink plenty of fluids, massage your calves and elevate your legs as preventive measures.
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