
Directions for prevention (25) Heatstroke: Be careful even indoors

 Heat stroke is possible indoors as well. Elderly people in particular are less likely to feel hot or thirsty, and their bodies tend to lack water. Take precautions such as using an air conditioner or fan before you feel hot and drinking plenty of water on a timed basis. The recommended volume of water is one glass per hour.

 Many people live far away from their elderly parents. To avoid or detect heat stroke in the elderly at an early stage, it is important to keep in touch with family members by announcing heat stroke alerts, informing them of the weather, and checking their physical condition and lifestyle. Use phone, email, or other means of communication to keep in touch.

 When a disaster occurs during hot weather and you are evacuating or cleaning up, be extra cautious. The risk increases in an unfamiliar environment. Be sure to drink water and take frequent breaks, and work in a team of two or more people. If the power outage continues, the elderly and children should be sheltered in facilities where air conditioning is available.
