
Directions for prevention (39) Keep slippers close at hand

 When a large earthquake occurs, broken window glass, shards of dishes, and pieces of wood may be scattered on the floor in the room. If you injure yourself by stepping on a sharp object with bare feet, it may be difficult for you to even leave the house.

 Especially at night, keep indoor shoes or slippers near your bedding in case an earthquake occurs and there is a power outage. Slippers with sturdy insoles to prevent punctures or with heels to prevent them from falling off are recommended. A pair of eyeglasses in a case and a headlamp at your bedside will also be useful during evacuation.

 If you are in a situation where you have no footwear at an evacuation site, you can make makeshift slippers out of folded newspaper. However, even regular slippers can be difficult to walk in, and there is a risk of falling, especially for the elderly.

 Even at the evacuation site, it is a good idea to have a sturdy footwear, such as indoor shoes or slippers with heels. Keep a pair of shoes that fit you in your emergency bag.


わがこと 防災・減災 Wagakoto disaster prevention and reduction


