Digitization is Essential The Urgent Need to Appoint and Promote Specialized Professionals Interview with Ken Doctor <The Search for Local Newspapers’ Future in the U.S.>
American media analyst, Ken Doctor, said in our online interview, the promotion of digitization is e…
- ・日本語訳)デジタル化が不可欠 専門人材の登用急務 アナリストに聞く <米・地方紙の模索>
- ・Leading Newspapers Have Lost One-third of Their Journalists Due to Investment Fund Takeover <The Search for Local Newspapers’ Future in the U.S. (1)>
- ・日本語訳)有力紙、記者3分の1に 投資ファンド買収で変質 <米・地方紙の模索(上)>
- ・Investigative Reporting Specializing in Local Areas: The Connection with Readers, and Hope for the Future <The Search for Local Newspapers’ Future in the U.S. (2)>
- ・日本語訳)地元に特化し調査報道 読者とのつながり、未来への希望 <米・地方紙の模索(下)>
宮城県警 みやぎセキュリティメールより
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